Artist: Maarten van Heemskerck (Dutch, 1498-1574), painter and print designer; worked in Haarlem and Italy (1532-6/7); later career in Haarlem, where one of the richest citizens. Prolific designer of compositions for prints, almost all made by others.
Engraver: Harman Jansz. Muller (Dutch, 1540-1617), publisher and engraver in Amsterdam, a member of the Guilde of St. Luke.
Title: Bathsheba receiving a message from David.
Titled, Dated, and Signed in plate: Lettered on the rim of the bath "MHeemskerck / Inventor [] Ph[i]l[ip]s Galle excud [] .ij. Samuel. xi.cap". Numbered below right "6". In the margin one line "NON MOE CHABERIS" and ".EXOD.XX" (this line was cut off and is mentioned here as a reference only).
Dimensions: Image 7 3/4" x 9 3/4".
Publisher: Philips Galle (Flemish, 1537-1612), leading engraver and print dealer based in Antwerp. One of the most prolific publishers in Europe in the second half of the sixteenth century after Cock, died in 1570.
Date: c. 1566. published c. 1600 (Philadelphia Museum of Art).
Materials and Techniques: engraving on laid paper.
Watermark: hardly visible.
Provenance: The Estate of George "Yorgo" Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the Medieval Institute, and assistant to the dean at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, from 1965-2000.
Condition: laid down, worn, stains. The signs of aging are appropriate for the time. A detailed condition report is available on demand.
Part of: From the series The Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not commit adultery (the sixth commandment).
Museums and Libraries: The British Museum 1949,0709.14 (Published by c). Philadelphia Museum of Art 1985-52-3966 (Published by Philips Galle).
Art Movements, Periods & Schools: Dutch School XVI C.
Note: This entry incorporates text from Wikipedia and the catalog entry of similar items from the British Museum and Philadelphia Museum of Art collections.