Artist: Perino del Vaga (Pietro Buonaccorsi) (Italian, 1501–1547 Rome), after.
Engraver: Philippe Simonneau (French, 1685–after 1753).
Title: Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena preparing themselves for the contest of beauty before Paris.
Signed, Titled, Numbered, and Dated in plate: Les trois Déesses se préparant pour le jugement de Paris. Tableau de Perin del Vago, qui est dans le Cabinet de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans/ haut de 23 pouces, large de 18 1/2 peint sur bois gravé par Philippe Simonneau grav.r Ord.re du Roy.'; numbered bottom right: '66' [The inscription is cropped and publishing here as the reference only].
Dimensions: Sheet 16" x 12 3/4". Backing sheet 20" x 13 3/4"
Edition: The plates, 'Recueil Crozat,' were again published in 1742 - 1771.
Date: 1729-1740 (circa).
Materials and Techniques: Engraving and etching on wove paper.
Watermark: no.
Mat and Frame: backing sheet.
Provenance: The Estate of George "Yorgo" Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the Medieval Institute, and assistant to the dean at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, from 1965-2000.
Condition: Horizontal fold in the middle, a dent; worn, torn, and somewhere repaired. Trimmed margins, stripped inscription The signs of aging are appropriate for the time. A detailed condition report is available on demand.
Part of: 'Recueil d'estampes d'après les plus beaux tableaux et d'après les plus beaux desseins qui sont en France, Cabinet Crozat' ,
Museums and Libraries: The British Museum 1855,0609.146.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 60.708(83). Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena prepare themselves for the contest of beauty before Paris.
Art Movements, Periods & Schools: Italian School XVI C. French School XVIII C.
Note: This entry incorporates text from the catalog entry and uses the catalog description of the same item from the collection of the British Museum.