Artist: Peter Overadt (fl. 1590-1652).
Engraver: possibly Peter Overadt. There is an assumption that Peter Overadt sometimes acted not only as a publisher but also as an engraver.
Title: Sancta Maria Magdalena.
Annotated, Titled, and Dated in plate: Sancta Maria Magdalena. Names of virtues in cartouches clockwise: Spes, Iustitia, Fortitudo, Patienta, Temperantia, Prudentia, Charitas, Fides. Annotation in the central reserve: Sancta Fides Domino stabili se pectore credit, Promissam verbis re quoque poscit opem. Signed l.m. Petrus Ouerradt excudit Coloniae Agrip anno salutis 1594.
Dimensions: Sheet 11 7/8" x 9".
Publisher: Peter Overadt.
Date: 1594
Materials and Techniques: engraving on laid paper mounted on another sheet of paper.
Provenance: The Estate of George "Yorgo" Demetrakopoulos; professor, assistant director of the Medieval Institute, and assistant to the dean at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, from 1965-2000.
Condition: Fair. It is completely pasted on a sheet of old grey wove paper to strengthen. A detailed condition report is available on demand.
Part of: The series Female Saints.
Museums and Libraries: Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig. Druckgraphik AeNovellanus WB 3.2 (St. Barbara). Santa Barbara engraved by Ägidius Novellanus after Simon Novellanus in a publisher's "frame": a set of cartouches depicted personificatied virtues.
Art Movements, Periods & Schools: German School XVI C.
Note: Very rare.